Thursday, February 09, 2006

Setting Sail Southwards

Welp, off I go. Leaving at about 3:00am to go visit some friends in Dallas before I end up flying to Canadia. Then, I'll get to see Bella for a nice long while, yay :D

The boring part is going to be the 5 and half hour drive that I have to endure, mostly on this one long boring stretch of highway ;-;, I know, pity me.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Audio Aesthetics Is Alive.

Finally after a few weeks of procrastination, I've started posting to my MP3 Blog. Nothing amazing, just decided I'd join the legions of people that already have one, except toss my taste into the mix. Most of them have some catchy clique or niche to fill and I haven't quite found mine, so I'm sliding in just with tunes I like, posting what relevant info to the song I can along with a link.

So far it looks nice, but, I'm not sure it's attracting much (if any) attention.